PHP documentation and Sphinx

Documentation is important, but commonly forgotten. Writing any code requires filling your brain with information – what the language is doing – what the API you’re calling is doing – what you want the code to do – and most of this information will fall out again a few days later. A month later a bug is found, and this information needs to be acquired all over again. Luckily you thoroughly documented everything that the code was doing, allowing you to pick up where you left off and fix the bug in seconds! Hurrah! Well, maybe.

To make this process easier, a variety of systems have been developed to build documentation automatically. In general you simply include some extra comments in the sourcecode explaining what you’re up to, and then something else extracts this information and formats it elegantly for the web Javadoc is a standard tool for Java developers, and the syntax has been recycled for other C-style languages, giving us JSDoc (for JavaScript) and PHPDoc. Perl’s POD and Pyhon’s PyDoc seem to have slightly different solutions which emphasise writing a section of documentation at the start of a file rather than merging it into the source, although Python also uses docstrings to directly document parts of the code.

phpDocumentor was the first PHP documentation system I met. It worked pretty well, although the format of the documentation it output left a little to be desired. A good example is the PHP Client Library for Google’s Adwords API.

A rival soon came along in the form of DocBlox, currently used for the Zend Framework documentation. This created much more elegant output.

The two projects have now merged together under the name phpDocumentor 2, which delivers the best documentation yet (do try it).

This system is great, and I always include markup within code to allow simple documentation to be generated. Unfortunately it’s quite hard to write good documentation when it has to be wedded to the structure of a project’s sourcecode. The Zend Framework folks provide automatically-generated documentation, but also write a more thorough reference guide. I wanted a more sophisticated documentation generator.

Sphinx was originally created to create new documentation for the Python language. I’d always assumed it was only really suitable for Python projects, but soon started to see it in more places. The new phpDocumentor documentation is built with Sphinx (see the footer at the bottom), as is the current documentation for Zend Framework 2, and more PHP-centric projects seem to be making use of it.

I soon installed Sphinx and used its quickstart script to get going. Syntax highlighting of PHP source code is supported – Sphinx uses Pygments for this, but I was still lacking the ability to properly cross-reference code. Sphinx uses “domains” to allow you to document parts of the code such as classes or functions, and then allows easy cross-references between these. I found that the Python domain worked pretty well for PHP, but wondered if a better option was available.

Sphinx supports domains for Python, C/C++, JavaScript and “reStructuredText” (the Sphinx markup) out of the box, and more are available in the sphinx-contrib repository, including Ada, Erlang and Ruby. Sadly there was no PHP domain listed in the readme, but I managed to stumble on one by looking through the source (how ironic that a repository for a documentation generator is poorly documented…) The readme for the domain suggested to install it using Python’s easy_install, and I soon found the project itself in the Python Package Index.

Installing all this on Ubuntu is pretty simple:

sudo apt-get install python-sphinx python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install sphinxcontrib-phpdomain
cd /path/where/documentation/project/lives

After answering some questions about your project  you’ll find a directory structure with an automatically generated You’ll need to make a couple of changes to it as follows:

# Add any Sphinx extension module names here [...]
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.phpdomain']

# The name of the default domain.
primary_domain = 'php'

# The default language to highlight source code in.
highlight_language = 'php'

Assuming you allowed the quickstart to create the makefile, you can now test everything works:

make html

… and point your browser at the html documentation. Take a look at the makefile itself to see what formats you can use for your documentation – there’s a lot of options. reStructuredText itself is pretty simple, and the Sphinx documentation itself is good. Documentation for the PHP domain is OK, but misses some bits out. It allows you to document the following objects:

  • ‘function’ cross-referenced with ‘func’
  • ‘global’ cross-referenced with ‘global’
  • ‘const’ cross-referenced with ‘const’
  • ‘method’ cross-referenced with ‘meth’
  • ‘class’ cross-referenced with ‘class’
  • ‘attr’ cross-referenced with ‘attr’
  • ‘exception’ cross-referenced with ‘exc’
  • ‘namespace’ cross-referenced with ‘ns’
  • ‘interface’ cross-referenced with ‘interface’

 Now all you need to do is write something…

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  • By ReST Syntax Highlighting on June 4, 2013 at 6:03 pm

    […] talked before about writing documentation using Sphinx. Sphinx uses ReST (ReStructured Text) which is great, but […]

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